

                         As a country with quite high rainfall, there are various flood potentials that occur in several regions of Indonesia. Floods have become a common disaster in some parts of Indonesia. Simply put, floods can be defined as the presence of water in an area that covers the surface of the ground in that area. Flood problems always become a hot topic when the rainy season begins to hit Indonesia. However, ironically, until now, floods have not been fully resolved. Heavy rain has been pouring over the city of Semarang for several days now. As a result of this incessant rain, Semarang is flooded. Particularly in the lower parts of Semarang, this flood has become a serious issue. There are various factors causing floods, especially when the rainy season arrives. The main cause is the high rainfall, which leads to rivers being unable to contain such a large volume of water. This flood disas...


  PENGERTIAN Hortatory exposition text adalah jenis teks yang berusaha mengajak pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau membuat mereka berpikir tentang perubahan tertentu yang pada akhirnya mereka menyetujui pernyataan tersebut. Teks ini disertai argumentasi yang mendalam karena tujuannya adalah mengajak dan memaksa pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu . Tujuan akhir dari teks ini adalah untuk membuat pembaca merasa bahwa usulan tersebut masuk akal dan harus dilaksanakan. STRUKTUR ·        Introduction atau Thesis Memberikan gambaran umum tentang masalah yang sedang dibahas dan menyajikan pendapat penulis tentang masalah tersebut, memberikan beberapa informasi latar belakang tentang topik dan menyatakan mengapa topik tersebut perlu dibahas. ·        Argument Menjelaskan mengapa solusi yang diusulkan masuk akal dan bermanfaat bagi semua orang yang terlibat atau terpengaruh oleh masalah tersebu t. ·   ...


General elections in Indonesia are closely related to the process of selecting leaders. Elections as a form of democracy and one of the important aspects that must be carried out democratically.   But not all elections are democratic. Because democratic elections are not just symbols, but elections that must be competitive, periodic, inclusive, and definitive to determine the government. However, every time the election agenda is held, the issue of political money is always the subject of public discussion. Money politics is part of an election corruption scandal and a key issue among other electoral violations. In accordance with the general definition, money politics may simply be associated with the practice of buying votes. Even though money politics in the sense of the influence of money in elections is not just a practice of buying votes, but the entire practice at every stage of the election that can be influenced by money. The reason the public generally agrees to jud...


  Education is a learning process that aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of learners. Through education, individuals can gain new knowledge, improve skills, and form positive attitudes. Formal education in schools is one of the common forms of education, but education can also be done outside the school environment. The main purpose of education is to improve the ability and potential of students, as well as form good character. For example, the school bazaar is an activity carried out by the school to introduce the products of student creativity to residents around the school and the guests present including parents. With the bazaar, students at school will be directly trained to have a tough entrepreneurial mentality. This bazaar is held to fulfill the task of entrepreneurship. This bazaar will be held on Friday, November 16, 2024 by grade 11 DKV 1 students. The theme of this bazaar is in accordance with the work according to the department, namely visual c...


  Identification: Currently, garbage can be seen everywhere, in the yard, on the streets, even in schools that are places to study. The garbage in the school is very disturbing the beauty and cleanliness, the smell around becomes unpleasant. Description 1: Most garbage in schools is found in the form of paper, food wrappers, drink bottles, leftover stationery that runs out. Each classroom has temporary shelters placed in the classroom, but most are placed in front of the classroom. Description 2: Garbage in schools is more often found in school cafeterias, which is a place to sell food and drinks to school residents during breaks. So that there are many trash cans around the canteen. However, many students do not throw garbage in its place. Left lying on the table and falling under the table without throwing it away and cleaning it. Description 3: What's more, garbage causes serious problems during the rainy season. Garbage thrown in any place will cause an unpleasa...


Identification: Currently, environmental problems are widespread, starting from plastic waste that is left untreated and pollutes the environment, waste is very easy to find everywhere, both in homes, schools, streets, gutters and rivers. It turns out that society is one of the masterminds behind environmental pollution. Description 1: For example, we can see that on the side of the road, the most common waste is plastic bills, food and drink packaging waste. Lots of rubbish strewn on the edge along the road. Many people are reluctant to throw away their rubbish properly. Description 2: The scattered rubbish will be dangerous for the environment around us. The environment, which should be clean and beautiful, is polluted with dirty rubbish. Garbage can also cause unpleasant Odors, which can reduce comfort. Description 3: What's more, rubbish causes serious problems when the rainy season arrives. Garbage thrown into ditches and rivers will Cause the ditches to become...

Assesment Summative Bahasa Inggris

Hello everyone ヾ(^-^)ノ I'm Salsabila Rihhadatul Aisy, from class XI DKV 1  On Wednesday, September 20 2023, I carried out a summative English assessment. Here, I got an assignment to make a video about 10 random questions.  These are the questions i have to answers :  1. What do you know about opinion ?  3. What topics can be for opinons ?  5. What do you know about short functional text ?  7. When you visit a school, what kinds of short functional text do you find ?  9. What is a descriptive text ?  11. How do you like Semarang? (3 sentence)  12. How do you compare between Semarang and Jakarta ? (3 sentence)  15. Tell me about your experience yesterday ! (5 sentence)  17. What are the characteristics of news item ?  20. What are the characteristics of procedure text ?  And this is the video I Created, check it out : Thank you!! (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡