Assesment Summative Bahasa Inggris
Hello everyone ヾ(^-^)ノ I'm Salsabila Rihhadatul Aisy, from class XI DKV 1
On Wednesday, September 20 2023, I carried out a summative English assessment.
Here, I got an assignment to make a video about 10 random questions.
These are the questions i have to answers :
1. What do you know about opinion ?
3. What topics can be for opinons ?
5. What do you know about short functional text ?
7. When you visit a school, what kinds of short functional text do you find ?
9. What is a descriptive text ?
11. How do you like Semarang? (3 sentence)
12. How do you compare between Semarang and Jakarta ? (3 sentence)
15. Tell me about your experience yesterday ! (5 sentence)
17. What are the characteristics of news item ?
20. What are the characteristics of procedure text ?
And this is the video I Created, check it out :
Thank you!! (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
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